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What is a PRO and what are the most frequent doubts?

All your questions will be answered here.

What are the most significant changes in Royal Decree 1055/2022 on Packaging and Packaging Waste?

Who is a producer of the product according to the legislation?

What are my obligations as a Producer in the EPR?

The general obligations of the producer in relation to the EPR are set out in Article 17 of Royal Decree 1055/2022. In addition, the producer has a series of obligations regarding the marking of packaging, information on invoices, registration and declaration in the register of producers, the incorporation of recycled material in packaging, etc., which are established in different articles of the legislation. If you want to learn more about them, we invite you to join the informative webinars that we organise at Procircular.

What is the difference between a SIRAP and a PRO?

When does the Commercial and Industrial PAR obligation start?

What is the role of a PRO?

Is it mandatory to join a PRO and when do I have to join?

Can I switch from PRO if I am already in PRO?

What information from the EPR has to appear on the invoice?

Does PRO declare on my behalf to the register of product producers or does the company have to do it?

When does green dot marking cease to be mandatory?

From what date am I obliged to do a PEPE?

If I am a foreign company in Spain, what are my obligations?

About Procircular

What does Procircular offer compared to other PROs?

What type of packaging and sectors does Procircular cover?

What do I have to do to join Procircular?

What tariffs does Procircular plan to publish?


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    Av. de Europa, 19, Edificio 3, Planta 2

    28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón

    Procircular Envases S.L. Av. de Europa, 19, Edificio 3, Planta 2 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón Madrid